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Friday, 28 August 2015

Why I am Not Dead.

A strange title you may agree, but one I believe is spot onto my still being on this earth.
Let me try and explain without boring you to death ( pardon the pun)
I also have been graced with a strange -some would say warped- sense of humour.
Which I fully believed has aided my mental well being.

Six years ago my body and health was a total disaster area, and ready for a trip in a long black limousine to the boneyard.
I smoked 60 fags a day.
Worked nights and eat all the wrong things.
In fact I ticked all the box's for a perfect demise.

One day I woke with a nagging pain in the middle of my back, at the top of my spine.
After phoning the helpline of the NHS I ended up with a Ambulance sitting on my doorstep.
The driver convinced me -as I felt alright- to take a trip to A&E.
On arrival -still thinking that I was just wasting their time- I was put in a cubicle.

It was seconds in when I promptly had a massive heart attack and died.
Had it not been for a quick thinking nurse I would have made the journey down to the Morgue.
She got me started again and I was sent down to have stents fitted.
Dying again before they got the stents in.

I recovered and decided to change my lifestyle altogether, as that was too close for comfort.
I studied how to repair some of the damage I had done to my body.
My first job was to throw the fags away.
I completely changed my eating habits focusing on organic and fresh foods.

Also I had regular blood tests to keep an eye on my progress.
It was in the period after my Heart Attack that I was diagnosed with other health problems that did not make my recovery back to good health very likely.
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Crones disease, and Vascular Dementia.

I was faced with a lifetime of -albeit a short one- tablets.
A doctor informed me that a time limit -before full onset of Dementia- of 5 years.
I was liable to suffer very badly with Crones disease -if I did not have to have half my stomach removed, and end up wearing a bag like my sister- for the rest of my life.
Having type two Diabetes just topped everything off.

Today I am quite fit, and still around.
I have burned out the Crones so have no problems there.
The Vascular Dementia is under control, and the Diabetes does not seem to affect me.
I believe -with a top flight surgeon at the North Staffs who has given me a written statement testifying that-that the Crones is all but wiped out.

I have set my recovery agenda based on study of natural foods and juices that contains the highest amount of nutrients and vitamins.
I have tried many concoctions of Herbal remedies until I found the one that burned out the Crones, and also various mixes of juices to create what I believe is the most powerful tonic that builds the immune system and improves ones health.

All in all I have brought all my blood counts into the good area.
Cholesterol is at a normal level.
Blood Sugar -when I'm not pigging out on choc ices- is at normal levels.
As I said my general Health is very good for a 64 years old man.

I fully believe that my programme works and can work on people of any age, or health condition.
Its a fact that "you are what you eat" and like a car engine if you don't change the oil and put petrol in it won't last long.
If you want to try my method of rejuvenation of the body just e-mail
Terry Cope.

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