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Tuesday, 25 August 2015

LJs Health and Wellbeing Foundation.

How much do you want to lose weight or build up a strong immune system to live a healthy illness free life.
We all know that to live a healthy life we must live a healthy lifestyle which includes organic fruit and vegetables free of man made chemicals, and regularly cleanse the body of poisons and toxins present in the atmosphere that invade the body.

One way is to buy expensive juicers, and blenders, along with a regular supply of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Then spend up to 20 minutes cutting, juicing, and cleaning up the equipment used?
A lot of time, expense and energy is used up which seems to defeat the meaning of the exercise.

Well one group of people have created LJs Health and Wellbeing Foundation which cuts out all the work and equipment to buy top quality Fruit and Vegetable's, create super juices, and deliver them to your door.
Now you can experience in a short time your body re-energising itself, and feeling more healthier.

They have also created their very own weight loss plans, and their body restoration from the bottom to peak performance, in a safe way using only quality safe ingredients.
All this no matter what your age, or health.
Its creator is 64 years old and has banished the blues and illness's away, and has amazed his doctor.

He has taken the basic needs of the body, using only natures (chemical free) finest Fruits and Vegetables which carry the building blocks of health and fitness, and utilised them.
Immune system building, and anti-oxidents rich Fruit and Veg that fights disease before it can take hold.
They also help "fight free radical cells" that can create cancers and other life threatening diseases.
He also believes that some diseases can be reversed with a healthy input of "super juices".

There will be "NO" interruption of doctor prescribed medicines, or interference of treatment.
This is purely a change of what you are putting into your body and amounts.
These ingredients are just the "healthy" and "nutritious" ingredients the body requires to sustain itself and fight disease, in a form that is easily digestible and fast acting.  

Are you interested in starting a new life with this Foundation?
Find out which programme will suit you.
No contact will be made until "YOU" are ready to start and you know "ALL" the facts.
Contact us on e-mail to find out our plan to a long healthy life.

1 comment:

  1. I have tried this diet plan and lost over 1/2 a stone in a fortnight, and feel great.
