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Monday, 23 September 2013

Cancer Cure or not?

There are many contradictory words and disinformation on the net on the good and bad  benefits of ESSIAC herbal tea.
If ESSIAC is new to you I recommend you read this article and learn more of the effects and benefits of the herbal formula.
Read the testimonials and form your own opinion.

ESSIAC is rapidly gaining a name in the fight against Cancer, Diabetes, Detoxification, Strengthening the Immune System, a general Health Tonic, or just a pleasant Herbal Tea drink.
ESSIAC as earned the reputation as a safe nutritional approach to Cancer, Diabetes, and other health problems because the herbs used have been eaten for the past millennium without any problems.

It took Canadian Nurse Rene Caisse years to isolate the herb that actually fought the cancer cells and it was Sheep's Sorrel (rumex acetossello).
In her own words she stated that " I have never claimed that my treatment cures Cancer- although many of my patients and Doctors with whom I have worked claim it does- My goal has been the control  of Cancer and the alleviation of pain".

My Husband is  65 years old...He we was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer on Jan. 08. There is a story here and I could write a novel, but think it more beneficial to just stick to a summary of what happened and what we did to get past the horrors of cancer.
He had a surgery and 1/4-1/2 of his right lung was removed...They had to break several ribs to do this...a sample was sent to pathology and the report came back to us telling us it was indeed cancer....He was scheduled for chemo and after 6 mo. of insidious treatment was pretty much a vegetable...I have studied alternative health for 30 years so you can imagine the trauma it was to watch and be a part of something so insidious...3 weeks after the last chemo treatment, still another PET scan showed he had 5-6 new tumors in his the same lung...devastation was overwhelming...They told him all they could offer him was more chemo, but he was in such a frightening state of negative  health by then he said no..(actually he said Hell no)...They told him to get his affairs in order and sent him home to die...When all of this started I was to horrified and busy to do any research other than what I had previously known...When it comes to "helping" someone in this field I have found not many are receptive to "Natural health care or cures" ...Anyway I read of a 4 herb tea that had what I thought was a really good record...I bought a pound of essiac and started my Husband on it 2 oz twice a day...we went from eating any and all kids of animal protein to a completely "plant based diet" without exception"....I cannot remember for sure the month (maybe may 09 ) that I called with tears of joy to tell her My Husband's results from a recent test  "there is no detectable cancer" in his body...since than he has had other examinations that agreed with these findings...Today he is a  healthy, Happy man of many interests and pursues them all with amazing strength and focus...He is very much alive and it has been just a little over a year since they found the new tumors, and deemed him terminal... Needless to say my gratitude for this site and the people involved in making the "Real stuff" available to all of us in dire need is great...I constantly seek new ways to Pay it Forward...Lynda of Oregon [Last name deleted to protect privacy].
The evidence of the power of the ESSIAC formula was demonstrated in laboratory tests carried out in the Brusch Medical Centre, and other Laboratories.
One of the most dramatic effects of taking ESSIAC tea was its affinity for drawing all the Cancer cells that had spread back to the original site at which point the tumour would harden, later soften, later decreasing in size where it could be surgically removed with minimum complications. 
If further information is required please e-mail    

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Introduction to this site.

This site will be put over to health and well being.
The various alternative approaches to healing will be explored in detail.
Some methods I have personally tried and tested and the results will be put on this site.
We will advertise certain health foods and when we get through the minefield of rules and laws.
We will also publish your ideas and remedies that you have heard of or tried, to make your lives better.
Links to articles on the net will be published and discussed between members.
Sign up and join in the talks, and posts.

So feel free to e-mail me at with your stories and remedies.